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Ocean Mountain Retreats – Yoga, Nature & Community – Globeseekers

Community Participants

Globeseekers Community

Sometimes we get asked what kind of people are joining our globeseekers Retreats. It does not matter as a globeseeker how old you are, where you are from or what you do. We feel lucky to meet people from so many different countries and backgrounds, so that we can learn from each other, get a different perspective and inspiration listening to someone else’s story. In our globeseekers Community group we stay in touch for reunions, sharing interesting material or just updating each other on things that are going on in the different parts of the globe.

Meet Nicolas from France, who joined to reconnect with nature, Yisca from Israel who told her family that it’s like summer camp for grown ups :), or Zach from the United States who played his first song on video for us:

Meet Shaundelle from Ireland who joined us to recharge, Bibi from the Italian part of Switzerland, a sunshine who loves nourishing food and “feeling 10 years younger afterwards” 😉 or Nicolas & Patricia from Brasil, who wanted to join us before starting a new chapter in their lives and were amazed by the connection and talks with the group.

Happy to introduce Stav from Cyprus who came to relax and enjoy the Outdoors and found himself making friends for life, Iris from Hong Kong who came with her husband, looking forward to take home their learnings from the Thai Massage Training and Acro Yoga and Becky & Susan from England and Scotland who are taking home many new recipes and loved immersing themselves in so many different cultures.

Meet Anita and Simon from Ireland, Anita was pregnant at the time and was interested in nourishing herself with organic food, health coaching and both enjoyed the mix of activities and the group, Lisa from Sweden overcame her fears in climbing and felt like she “can do anything with the right mindset” afterwards :), and Nadia from Bulgaria who came from a stressful environment and loved the different Yoga courses and conversations.

Meet Jessica & Colin from Canada, who are both super fit and active at home, they firstly came for the physical activities and flexibility part, but realized how important the mental aspect is for your health and vitality and that it should be a proactive rather than a reactive. Sina from Germany who was just in between jobs and wanted to take the time for herself to get away from everything and refocus on her strengths and get into her feelings. Alex from Sweden is passionately researching the brain and benefits of physical exercise for the brain, so during our retreat she was holding a lecture for the group, which was super interesting. She says that Yoga and nature activities are a perfect fit and we shared lots of interesting talks and laughter that week.

Meet Jessica & Colin from Canada, who are both super fit and active at home, they firstly came for the physical activities and flexibility part, but realized how important the mental aspect is for your health and vitality and that it should be a proactive rather than a reactive. Sina from Germany who was just in between jobs and wanted to take the time for herself to get away from everything and refocus on her strengths and get into her feelings. Alex from Sweden is passionately researching the brain and benefits of physical exercise for the brain, so during our retreat she was holding a lecture for the group, which was super interesting. She says that Yoga and nature activities are a perfect fit and we shared lots of interesting talks and laughter that week.

Meet Karl from Austria who just quit his job, looking to ground and reconnect to himself, Fatima from Azerbaijan is based in Berlin, a big fan of nature and does triathlons and bouldering. She loved the Yoga by the lake, the hikes with amazing views but also the community with like-minded people. Sylvie from France loves to practice different types of Yoga to experience your body and mind in different ways, the tools that were given in Health Coaching to take home with you and the activities she never tried before to see that you can always surprise yourself. 🙂

Happy to introduce Lisa from Germany starting a new chapter in her life and finding the Yin Yoga very impactful, because she wants to build up a better relationship with herself and open up with self acceptance.  Vanessa from Portugal who has a busy and often serious life as a doctor and was looking to have some time for herself to recharge in nature and let the child thats inside of her come out. 🙂 Last but not least meet Til from Germany, our first volunteer, who was a former globeseekers participant, loving the outdoors and being a great and motivated help, even holding a handstand workshop and supporting in the climbing course.

Happy to introduce Lisa from Germany starting a new chapter in her life and finding the Yin Yoga very impactful, because she wants to build up a better relationship with herself and open up with self acceptance.  Vanessa from Portugal who has a busy and often serious life as a doctor and was looking to have some time for herself to recharge in nature and let the child thats inside of her come out. 🙂 Last but not least meet Til from Germany, our first volunteer, who was a former globeseekers participant, loving the outdoors and being a great and motivated help, even holding a handstand workshop and supporting in the climbing course.